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White 3D Bas-relief effect

Effect simulates colorless bas-relief object with complex level of detail. Great visibility in any kind of lighting condition.

White 3D Bas-relief effect  (from Armstrong Hologram)

White 3D Bas-relief effect  (from Beetle hologram)

White 3D Bas-relief effect  (from Expo hologram)

White 3D Bas-relief effect  (from Olympus hologram)

White 3D Bas-relief effect  (from Parrot hologram)

White 3D Bas-relief effect  (from Pegas hologram)

White 3D Bas-relief effect  (from Lyre hologram)

White 3D Bas-relief effect  (from Steam Engine hologram)

White 3D Bas-relief effect  (from Eagle hologram)

White 3D Bas-relief effect  (from TGM Stripe hologram)

White 3D Bas-relief effect  (from TGM hologram)

White 3D Bas-relief effect (from Sakura Hologram)

White 3D Bas-relief effect  (from Abu Dhabi hologram)

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